Here are some helpful links to assist you as you work with us:
Government Agencies.
Everything ATO from starting a business to closing a business or organisation, questions about GST, deductions, not-for-profit organisations, superannuation and financial difficulties.
Essentials to strengthen your small business learning needs and popular small business courses in relation to tax.
Everything from Payroll Tax, Land tax, Duties, Royalty, Home grants and concessions.
For businesses and consumers, registering business names and companies to report investment scams.
You can also find for free calculators, tips and guides.
For all your Award queries, help with staff working conditions and job loss/dismissals.
Find your relevant awards here for your business to ensure you are correctly paying your staff their correct hourly rate, allowances and overtime.
Find out if your Tax or BAS Agent is a registered agent.
Helpful links and information to run your business within Queensland include land tax, payroll tax, Liquor and gaming, and business networking & learning events.
For Business Events, Workshops and Mentoring.
A collection of short courses for the young adults as they enter the workforce as teenagers and young adults.
You will always receive an invoice of some sort with or without GST noted on it, the easiest way to find out of a supplier is registered for GST is to go to the ABN Look up website, type in either the name or the ABN.
The Australian Signals Directorate's Australian Cyber Security Centre (ASD's ACSC) leads the Australian Government’s efforts to improve cyber security. Our role is to help make Australia the most secure place to connect online.
Accounting software.
Accounting software.
Document capture Add on’s.
Payroll Software Add on’s.
Other Links.
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